Netgear R8000 "Nighthawk" Router with DD-WRT (Price: $450 installed)
Price Includes: America Only Internet USB Stick
This router represents the latest in cutting edge wireless technology. Building on the power of the R7000 Nightgawk, this router is capable of handling a large number of high speed wireless devices. Even though is is primairally designed to satisfy Gamers, this router will handle the processing needs of the most demanding business networks. If you depend heavily on wireless networking, then this is your best choice. The speed of the wireless can acctually exceed the speed of wired gigabit ethernet connections with the fastest WiFi speed available – up to 3.2Gbps.
As we make more and more use of the advanced features of highly programmable, open source DDW-WRT and Tomato software it is nice to know that the raw processing power we need is available. Dealing with hackers and other security issues requires all the power we can get to make intelligent decisions, tens of thousands of them for each piece of data, to keep your network safe. The additional memory and processing power of this of the "Nighthawk" is put to good use. These advanced features include International Firewall Rules, and being able to work with our Network Monitoring Server to detect and stop threats by sending updates to our customized Active Firewall.
This is one of the first routers on the market with a USB 3.0 Port. USB 3.0 is five times faster than the USB 2.0 port on the Netgear WNR3500. We make good use of this USB 3.0 port by installing OptWare on a thumb drive to expand number and size of modules that can be used. Now we have plenty of high speed storage capacity to keep things like storing lists of thousands of IP address for firewall filtering rules.
The Tri-Band WiFi feature along with the Three Offload Processers dedicated to controlling wireless connectivity is really what sets this router ahead of the Netgear R7000 Righthawk. The wireless is so fast, it is actually faster than traditional 1GHZ wired connections. This is something that turns the world of wired networking upside down and sends equipment makers scrambling to come up with affrodable 10GB Ethernet solutions. It is truely an advancement in technology.
Features include: One Dual Core 1GZ Processor and Three Offload Processors, 128 MB flash and 256 RAM Memory, 4-Port 1GHZ Ethernet Switch, USB 2.0 Port and USB 3.0 Port, and Tri-Band WiFi!
Besides the cost of the router, the price includes up to two hours of installation services. After listening to your networking requirements, we will configure this router and ship it to you. We can set up and maintain this router remotely.
Note: Tomato is not yet available for the Netgear R8000 Nighthawk. We expect that it will be available before long as the Tomato developers work with the new drivers for the advanced wireless features. Until then, we use a program called DD-WRT which is also Linux based and just as capable as Tomato.